The People Helping Nature Podcast

If you’re keen to hear the incredible stories of people who are helping nature, you’re in the right place.

The People Helping Nature podcast features guests from all walks of life who are doing interesting and important things to help nature thrive. We aim to make it easy for everyone to learn, understand, take action, and feel like they’re a part of the solution (and have fun at the same time).

You can listen to episodes by scrolling down this page and finding ones that interest you - or by visiting our YouTube or Spotify channels.

Landowners Uniting To Bring Kiwi Back To Their Communities (With Matu Booth)
Callum Armstrong Callum Armstrong

Landowners Uniting To Bring Kiwi Back To Their Communities (With Matu Booth)

Landscape-scale conservation projects are an important part of Aotearoa New Zealand’s biodiversity future.

They connect the many localised community efforts, passionate landowners and patches of remnant forest to achieve much wider-reaching conservation outcomes.

The Forest Bridge Trust is restoring 54,000HA of land in the Rodney area and uniting a community as they restore biodiversity to their region. In this episode, we chat with Operations Manager, Matu Booth about the awesome work they're doing.

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Hunter-Led Conservation Saving Species From Local Extinction With Sam The Trap Man
Callum Armstrong Callum Armstrong

Hunter-Led Conservation Saving Species From Local Extinction With Sam The Trap Man

People usually think of hunting & gathering as something completely separate from conservation. But when the forest is your food basket, you see places and species that others don’t notice. 

Through hunting and trapping, Sam (Hamiora) Gibson, also known as Sam The Trap Man, discovered that the whio (native blue duck) and kiwi that were not so long ago abundant in the Waioeka Gorge where he grew up, had almost disappeared.

This evolved into the Eastern Whio Link project. What started as just 4 whio pairs in the Waioeka Gorge multiplied into 100+ chicks hatched in just a few short years...

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Carmel Richardson & Graeme Young: Forest Guardians And The Battle For Kōkako (Episode #4)
Callum Armstrong Callum Armstrong

Carmel Richardson & Graeme Young: Forest Guardians And The Battle For Kōkako (Episode #4)

Imagine seeing an extremely rare bird (kōkako) go from declining without any support to having an entire community of volunteers, farmers, iwi, forestry, council, and NGOs unite to bring it back…

Imagine giving countless volunteer hours over 30+ years to restore habitat for the kōkako population in Kaharoa Forest and experiencing the changes over that time.

In this episode, we are joined by Carmel Richardson and Graeme Young, who have played a pivotal role in establishing, growing and leading the Kaharoa Kōkako Trust and now work with KEEP (kōkako ecosystem expansion project) to connect the Kahaoa Forest with other kōkako habitats in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.

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Annie Pagé: Conservation Through The Lens of Wildlife Pathology (Episode #3)
Callum Armstrong Callum Armstrong

Annie Pagé: Conservation Through The Lens of Wildlife Pathology (Episode #3)

Why do we post-mortem and study wildlife after it dies?

How does pathology influence our understanding of biodiversity trends at a species level?

And what risks does the potential arrival of avian influenza pose to Aotearoa New Zealand’s birds?

In this episode, we are joined by Annie Pagé, wildlife pathologist resident at Massey University, subantarctic sea lion researcher, and ⁠Heritage Expeditions⁠ tour guide.

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Wayne O’Keefe: What Does a Healthy Ecosystem Look Like in Aotearoa New Zealand? (Episode #2)
Callum Armstrong Callum Armstrong

Wayne O’Keefe: What Does a Healthy Ecosystem Look Like in Aotearoa New Zealand? (Episode #2)

What does a healthy ecosystem actually look like in Aotearoa New Zealand?

And what role does the endangered kōkako bird (Callaeas wilsoni) play in the conservation landscape?

In this episode, we are joined by Wayne O’Keefe, who wears many hats in the conservation space, including ongoing efforts to help develop intergenerational forest corridors through KEEP, the Kōkako Ecosystem Expansion Programme.

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Introduction To The People Helping Nature Podcast (Episode #1)
Callum Armstrong Callum Armstrong

Introduction To The People Helping Nature Podcast (Episode #1)

Welcome to the People Helping Nature Podcast!

In the inaugural introduction episode, hosts and co-founders of Conservation Amplified, Anna Wentsch and Callum Armstrong share:

  • The story behind why they started this podcast

  • How there’s so much awesome work being done to help nature, but more awareness is needed to make conservation mainstream

  • What you as the listener can expect to get out of listening to future episodes

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